UFO Video - Fleet of UFOs moving in perfect timing over San Jose in Costa Rica

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UFO Video of San Jose, San Jose, CRI - August 13, 2011


San Jose


San Jose




August 13, 2011


UFO footage showing a fleet of unidentified flying objects moving slowly across the sky over the city of San Jose in Costa Rica. The group of UFOs are moving in perfect timing has they were glued together.

Here is the witness testimony: 'UFOs seen in Zapote, San José, Costa Rica, on August 13th 2011. We are not really sure of what they were, we saw them around 4:40 pm and I was lucky enough to record them with my phone.'
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UFO Video Record #101 with UFO Shape #18

UFOdB.com the most reliable UFO Database

UFOdB.com is an Internet Database of UFO sightings. Each record has an UFO picture, a video or some kind of Evidence. While other UFO database accept any text has a record in their files, UFOdB.com needs a reliable proof to insert a UFO sighting in its UFO database.