UFO Video - UFO footage of orb seen over 10 Kilometers near Geelong, Australia

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UFO Video of Geelong, Victoria, AUS - November 28, 2011








November 28, 2011


UFO video showing a white glowing sphere moving around and over the city of Geelong in Victoria, Australia. Other ufo sightings of the same orb were seen was in an area covering over 10 kilometers including Drysdale, Newtown / Highton and Corio Bay.

Witness said there was also three flashing red orbs during the same UFO sighting and the event was followed by several rounds of helicopters searchs.

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UFO Video Record #129 with UFO Shape #13

UFOdB.com the most reliable UFO Database

UFOdB.com is an Internet Database of UFO sightings. Each record has an UFO picture, a video or some kind of Evidence. While other UFO database accept any text has a record in their files, UFOdB.com needs a reliable proof to insert a UFO sighting in its UFO database.