UFO Video - White UFO caught on video in the blue sky of Tijuana, Mexico in 2011

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UFO Video of Tijuana, Baja California, MEX - October 17, 2011




Baja California




October 17, 2011


We do not have much information regarding this ufo sighting. This ufo video was captured in Tijuana, Mexico on Monday October 17 2011 by an unknown person. On this ufo video we can see a white unidentified flying object going around in the blue sky, even though we dont know if its the camera moving instead of the ufo itself. We cannot get from this ufo footage a clear view of the ufo has the object seem to be too far for the camera to focus on it perfectly.
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UFO Video Record #105 with UFO Shape #11

UFOdB.com the most reliable UFO Database

UFOdB.com is an Internet Database of UFO sightings. Each record has an UFO picture, a video or some kind of Evidence. While other UFO database accept any text has a record in their files, UFOdB.com needs a reliable proof to insert a UFO sighting in its UFO database.